mardi 23 octobre 2012

Paris Burlesque Festival

I just came back from Paris, where I was lucky to perform at the Paris Burlesque Festival 

The atmosphere was rock'n'roll, positive and super dynamic!
 I loved to perform there....

I did my "Murder act II" act, that has evolve a lot since last year :) 

When I arrive at the station "gare de Lyon", someone stole my Iphone... 
So I don't have any backstage pictures to share here 
but only official pics:

mardi 11 septembre 2012


Wooopsy! Seems like not only weeks but months since my last post...!
But don't worry, that doesn't mean I have nothing to share... It's the opposite.
I did so many things these last months that I wanted to share here with you!
I did two videoshoots for the Stevans's song Glamourous night 
and a swiss Tv Series called So Sorry
a radio interview for frequence banane, some shows here and there, 
photoshoots in Paris for really nice burlesque projects,
was part of a super nice project called "les copines d'Edmond"
 with some of my burlesque friends of Geneva, I did my website on my own,
what else... I'm sure I forgot something. 

BUT for now tadaaaaam here is my website

check it out ;)


Lou On the Rock's

mardi 5 juin 2012

My Bettie, oh Dear act by Ewa Ciezskowska and news

Surprise surprise! I also did pics of my "Bettie, oh Dear" act 
in Paris with Ewa Cieszkowska last month.
I'm performing this act now at the Palais Mascotte for a few days,
and will present it at the Pin up School Show of Emma Mylan
the 12th of June at the Lido, in Lausanne

Enjoy June's sunny days!


Lou On the Rock's

mardi 22 mai 2012

My Murder act by Ewa Cieszkowska

I went to Paris last month with my lovely and beautiful friend Miss Ivi.
We had a lot of fun there: sightseeing, shopping, good food :)

I had a photoshoot with Ewa Cieszkowska
I love her work and was really happy about that.

I'll share only the first part of the shoot with you here. 
We made some pics abour my act "Murder", here it is!

That's all for the moment.

Have a nice week.


Lou on the Rock's

dimanche 13 mai 2012

Memories of the Palais Mascotte

I almost forgot to share the Palais Mascotte experience with you here!
That was  really interresting to do my acts again and again 5 days a week for a month.
I could try new things, know perfectly my acts, have fun and enjoy.

spending time on backstage
A video of murder here!

A video of Bettie, Oh dear here!


Lou on the Rock's

dimanche 4 mars 2012

Palais Mascotte & Lido

Another surprise that I have for you that I'll be performing
at the Palais Mascotte in Geneva, from the 6th until the 24th of March!
It sounds crazy for me because it's one of the first places where I saw
a burlesque show and that I thought : "that seems so right to me."
Dancing, acting, fancy costumes, feminity...and the most lovely thing:
different women, different bodies, different personalities
on the same stage enjoying and celebrating being themselves.

So of course, I feel honored to perform on these stages,
where it all started...

And the 8th of March, Emma Mylan and her Pin up school
(that means us, the girls of her burlesque school :D )
are performing at the Lido in Lausanne.
It won't be a simple event. That will be the reflect of new paths,
the reflect of the most beautiful growing flowers that I ever saw...
That will be, for sure, a crazy amazing show, full of energy and love...
So I'm obviously honored to be part of this event, and I can't wait to be there!


Loulou on the Rock's

mercredi 22 février 2012

Some pics of the "Ohh! La La! Cherie!" show in Plaza

The show in Plaza, Zurich, was really great.
All the artists had different styles, s
o the show was really complete full of interesting things.
Here are some pics of my 2 acts. Enjoy!

Act: Bettie, Oh dear

Act: Murder


Loulou On the Rock's

jeudi 16 février 2012

Ohh! La La! Cherie!

So, As I already posted on facebook, my dear teacher Emma Mylan,
makes me take part in her show Ohh! La la! Chérie! in Zurich this Monday!
I'm so excited about the experience.
So I'm working on my act again, and again. I finally have a name for it.
"Murder". I'll try to share some pics or vid with you here, I'll do my best!
See you there?


Loulou On The Rock's

vendredi 3 février 2012

Valentine's day is coming....

....and it seems like a already recieved gifts.
It looks like 2012 is a very good year for all my projects
Our Workshop teacher Emma Mylan (which is, by the way one of the most amazing person I know),
organized two shows for us. One in Lausanne the 8th of March, at the Lido,
and another one in Zurich, at the Plaza the 16th of May

But the "bonus" is that I also have other projects not related to the workshop.
In two weeks, I'll be on stage in Zurich as well!
And I'll let you know about the other suprises very soon...

I'm so happy to live all these crazy, fascinating things.
Happy is maybe not enough. Grateful should be the word.
Grateful to be so lucky and to have the oportunity to live all these beautiful moments :)

all pics of me by Christa Durante

To finish this post, these words that sounded powerful to me,
are my valentine gift to you bloggers


Loulou On The Rock's

mercredi 18 janvier 2012

Le boudoir by Christa Durante... episode 2

I didn't show you all the pictures that I did with Christa Durante last time,
I guess it's time to show some of them !

This shooting was actually organized by a dear friend of mine,
the wonderful Miss Ivi, and I was very lucky to make some photos with her.


I have a lot lot of new great burlesque and shooting projects
that I'll share with you very soon!


Loulou On the Rock's