vendredi 30 décembre 2011

Calendar 2012!!!

That was one of my projects that I was keeping as a surprise for the end of 2011!
I was working on it since october, but I really wanted to keep it secret...!
Here it is! Taddaaaam!

They are available at Add Ink Tattoo Studio in Geneva Switzerland,
or on my Etsy shop, check it out!

I wish you already a very happy New Year
May all your wishes come true for 2012!

Love :)

Loulou On the Rock's

jeudi 15 décembre 2011

Le boudoir by Christa Durante

Last sunday I was lucky to have a photoshoot by Christa Durante, and her Boudoir
That was a really great shooting. I'm happy to meet different photographers.
They can be so differents from each others, so I learn a lot of new things every time!


Have a nice week end!


Loulou on the Rock's

vendredi 9 décembre 2011

Christmas is coming

And I have a few projects that I'm going to share with you very soon. But it's a surprise!

For now, I try to learn new things. In the workshop I'm doing in Geneva,
we are 5 or 6 girls in the class. It's incredible how different we are (age, occupation, origins...). And that's so interresting! some have dance background, theater background,
musical background,.... So everyone has a place there...
There's no competition beacause we all have something special to share....
Next lesson we will learn how to use fans with feathers, I can't wait!

Have a nice week end!


Loulou on the Rock's